Hey friend, I know it’s been a while since my last newsletter. The holidays, with all the time spent with friends and family, combined with my full-time job, kept me pretty busy these past couple of months. But I’m officially back to creating content! Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit existential, as I often do during the winter. One thing that’s been on my mind is this recurring cycle of passion and dispassion in my life. What do I mean? Let’s use my creative work as an example. I’ve been creating content for the past eight years (wow, it just hit me how long it’s been!). When I first started, I was just beginning to shoot wedding photography and films. I was filled with fervor with each wedding or couple’s shoot. Every photo, every click of my camera's shutter energized me. Needless to say, the fervor didn’t last. And every time my passion waned, it was because of external factors. Running your own business is tough. Finances are stressful. That gave me my first wave of dispassion with creating content. It eventually passed, but it kept returning. Ultimately, in 2024, I shot my last wedding. I knew it was time to close that chapter and focus on a different path. Every part of my life is affected by external factors, no matter how much I try to prevent it. Work gets stressful, and my motivation or energy to create dwindles. Something isn’t working correctly at work? My patience evaporates. My apartment is a mess? Just another distraction from creating something. The past holiday season was no exception. Between the busyness of work and family events, I felt I had little time or energy to create. I was constantly tired and perpetually busy. But if there’s one thing about this cycle of passion and its absence, it’s that it’s almost always temporary. There will be times when work feels like a slog, when you hate getting out of bed. There will be times when your interpersonal relationships struggle. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past few years, it’s that it’s okay to feel dispassionate sometimes. You can’t outrun it, and sometimes you just have to accept it. The passion will return. It may be different, or for something completely new, but it will come back. You will find meaning, purpose, and passion again as long as you keep going. As always, thanks for reading. ❤️ Talk soon, Drew |
I'm a YouTuber creating videos about minimalism, self development, and my journey towards financial freedom. In this newsletter I'm sharing all things minimal living, self help advice, books and media, and more!
Hi friend, Lately, I’ve been trying to step away from my screens whenever possible. I often find this to be the case around the holidays. I yearn to spend less time on my devices, and more specifically, away from my desk. Engaging in analog activities has been a great way for me to connect with myself and my partner on a deeper level. Not only that, but when a screen isn’t hijacking your attention span, you can have a better sense of presence of what is going on around you, and what’s going...
Hi friend! Hope you’re having an excellent Sunday! It’s been a busy couple of weeks over here in my world, so there will be no new video this week. Though I can assure you I am hard at work on my next one. It’s going to be about secondhand shopping, and I’m expecting to finish it up this week! I’m going to be experimenting more with the format of this newsletter going forward. Today’s newsletter will not be its final form, but I’m just putting my fingers to the keyboard and seeing what my...
Hi friends, Fall has sprung here in Ohio. I'm not usually the type to attribute the change of seasons to anything more than a shift in the Earth's axial tilt, but this year hasn't really been an ordinary year for me. This year has been a year of firsts for me, some I wanted to make, and some that were forced upon me. This is the year I started my YouTube Channel, the year I started an exercise regimen... and promptly lost it. This is the year that I also lost my mom. This is no ordinary year....