Things I regret buying

A couple weeks ago, I shared a video on my YouTube channel called, I tried minimalism and failed. In that video, I shared some of the things I’ve struggled with since adopting a minimalist lifestyle. I talk about my continued struggle with shopping and acquiring new things. Today, I thought it’d be fun to dive in and talk about some of the things that I deeply regret purchasing, so without further adiue, let’s chat.

1. Asket sweatshirt

The first thing I regret purchasing was a sweatshirt from a Swedish clothing retailer called Asket. I wanted to love this item, but it really just didn’t fit me as comfortably as I had hoped. And I think I knew this when I tried it on the first time. But, I pushed through because I wanted to love it and I thought it would be a piece I’d have for years. Unfortunately, it is no longer with me. I did resell it to reocup some of the money, but this was something I went into debt for (stupidly) and did not recoup anywhere close to full value.

2. New coffee scale

If you’re one of my YouTube viewers, you know that I’m big into coffee. It’s something I’ve invested a lot of time and money into. I’ve done pretty well to use and abuse my coffee equipment to the fullest extent. For instance, I’ve had my kettle and grinder for going on 3-4 years at this point. I have a coffee scale, one by Acaia, that I paid a good bit of money for almost that same amount of time. But earlier this year, I got the itch for something different, for absolutely no reason. So, I went out and bout a new coffee scale. I didn’t need it. I still don’t need it. Hell, it’s in contention for the next item I declutter.

3. My record player

This one is a hard one to admit. I love playing records and it allows me a more tactile and meditative experience with music. But, to be frank, I was not in the place financailly to go out and buy this record player and the speakers to go with it. I love this item, but not enough to go in debt for. It was a mistake.

4. Technology Books

My day job is in IT and over the last few years, I’ve purchased quite a few books on various concepts in an attempt to learn new skills. What I have concluded is that, I don’t particularly enjoy this topic, nor do I benefit from reading it. I’m more a learn by doing person when it comes to technology. I’m not usually one to ever regret books. In fact, I’d argue if there is one thing that I don’t think anyone should regret buying, it’s books. But, these are just not for me & I’m not going to spend money on them forward.

5. Fast Food

This is a purchase I regret 9 times out of 10, the 1 time is when it’s McDonald’s breakfast. Since starting my weight loss jounrey in 2022, I’ve definitely changed my eating habits quite a bit. The last few times I’ve eaten fast food, it just hasn’t been satiating or as good tasting as it once. This doesn’t mean I don’t slam a Taco Bell quesadilla on occassion, but it does mean that I usually regret buying and eating most fast food these days.

These are just a few things I’ve regretted purchasing over the last couple years, and I can say with certainty that this is much longer, but these are the things that stick out most.

What’s something you regret buying?

With love from Ohio,


Hey there! I'm Drew.

I'm a YouTuber creating videos about minimalism, self development, and my journey towards financial freedom. In this newsletter I'm sharing all things minimal living, self help advice, books and media, and more!

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